An important topic in 7th grade is integer operations. This is the first time that adding, subtracting, multiplying and dividing integers are formally introduced. I went about it differently this year than 2 years ago. CMP3 suggested using chips to introduce addition, so that's what I tried!
I really liked it. I felt that students really grasped the idea of adding integers. They could see when adding a positive and negative number which had more and that determined the sign of the sum.
I also found that this concept really helped those struggling students. This is a picture I snapped while helping a student one on one build her confidence in solving.
After the introduction, I set students on a journey with a partner to answer questions from our online book. This is where I saw students helping students the most. They were explaining it in terms that made sense to them.
The journey through integers is not always easy but I highly suggest using chips. After using chips, I also taught students how to use the number line to add integers. I left it up to the students which way of reasoning worked for them and never actually taught a formal way to add integers. I would say 93% of students are confident in their integer abilities. The other 7% I am working with daily.
What are some methods of teaching integers you have tried? Even if they didn't work, we can always learn from mistakes!