Friday, August 21, 2015

Reflecting on Week 1

The title should be more like 'Reflecting on Week 1/2' but it is Friday, I went to work everyday this week so in my book, week 1 is done.

With that being said, I was of mixed emotions for many reasons that include in no particular order:
  1. Not knowing any of the staff
  2. Waking up at a god awful hour
  3. Not being familiar with the policies/procedures of the school/Feeling helpless at times when students would ask questions
  4. Starting a new co-teaching relationship
  5. Having the Superintendent walk into my classroom day 1
First, I would say by far the biggest change for me was not knowing anyone at school.  I didn't know that it was going to be this hard.  Spending the past 3 years in the same district allowed me to be comfortable.  I spent 9 months a year with great people.  I often times saw them more then my own man.   At the end of the year, I did not have a new job yet.  I was hired during the summer and I didn't get to say goodbye.  I am being a bit dramatic here but it is true!  I didn't get to divide up my things and 'will' my crap so it became other peoples 'crap' or have one last bash as FMS staff together.  Although I don't work there anymore, I still have some great friends there.  The lowest point of my week was Tuesday.  I had just spent the last 2 days in all day PD's, at lunch by myself in my classroom and didn't get to share anything exciting that happened during the summer because I didn't have a base to build upon.  I called my great friend Allison Ryan and she instantly mad me feel better.  She told me everything will be fine.  Teach first and friends will come.  I knew this but I needed to hear it from someone else.  Once students came the following day, I no longer felt alone.  There were people to talk to, things to accomplish and a stage to act on(thanks Annie for making me think of it this way!)

Second, I think it should be illegal for anything to start before 9am.  I am not a morning person.  I enjoy sleeping, waking up naturally and being up long after the sun comes up.   School starts at 7:30, contract time is 7:15, parking lot is a nightmare after 6:45.  So add a 30 minute commute (which is 3x my previous) that has me out of the house by 6:10ish.  It has been murder! My one saving grace, I get to listen to Eric & Kathy on the Mix.  If it wasn't for them, I would not enjoy my morning.
Third, I did as much reading as possible but I can say I know almost nothing about the policies,procedures,layout and information about school.  This high school has over 3,100 students.  It is HUGE and I have only been in my math wing! (That is a lie, I was in the field house today)  I am aware of the tardy policy, I know how to take attendance and where the G-wing is (between the B and D wing...duh!) but other than that, I don't know.  The dress code is who knows what.  On my list of things to print out is the lockdown procedures.  Hopefully, another week and this will get better. 

Fourth, I have two co-taught Algebra 1 blocks.  Adjusting to everything new, now I have so let go of some of my control freak issues and let someone else in.  Like totally awesome, just what I needed!

And lastly, day 1 was team building and students had just started a Get it Together activity and in walks Dr. Mitchem, Superintendent and the assistant Superintendent (I think).  The district is big on visible learning (love it) and I let the students the learning target, success criteria and why we were doing what we were doing but I still think that some of these children were clueless and my face was red.  Regardless, it was AWESOME to see the 'Big Boss' in classrooms day 1!  You scored big points in my book.  Will you come back please?!?!?!  

Overall, it was good week.  My previous district had their first institute day today and I miss the comfort but I know that moving to high school is something I needed to try.

I know this was a long post but before I take a 'nap' for the next 12 hours I felt I needed to write about my week before I lost the feeling.

How was your first week?  Are you in a similar situation?  I would love to hear about it and how things went for you!

Friday, August 7, 2015

Moving Day into My New Classroom!

So it finally had to happen.  I had to take ALL of my things from FMS and move them to my new classroom.  I have been dreading this day since, well forever.

Caitlyn (my former neighbor at school) always said that whenever she needed anything, she would come to me because I had EVERYTHING!  I like to be prepared, what can I say. The packing process was miserable.  I did it over 3 days.

Day 1
It was more of a 'search and rescue.'  I went to school to survey what I needed.  I had some boxes and I found out the cold heart truth was that those boxes just weren't enough.  In addition, I ran out of packing tape.  So I packed what I could and walked away.

Day 2
This was a serious packing day.  I needed to get my butt in gear and make some progress.  The hurdle I found on this day was that I wanted to keep everything.  It was so hard to let go of things.  For example, I had 4 brand new fly swatters in my cabinet.  I should really get rid of them, I haven't used them so naturally, they should go.  But, what if I create a great SMARTboard game and I NEED them?  In the box they go!  After my internal fights subsided, I did pretty good.  I was able to give things away to co-workers, separate the things that I was going to leave for the new teacher that would be in my room and pack the things I was taking.  At the end of the day, I had 2 table tops loosely filled with 'stuff'' i didn't know what i was going to do with.  In my book, it was a success!

Day 3
This was the day I was going to move out.  I was on a mission and I had to finish it that day.  It was not so bad.  I worked on tying up to loose ends.  I gave away MORE things to another math teacher.  This lightened up my load by a bit (and filled up her stroller!)  I had everything packed and started to bring things down to the truck.  On the second trip down, I realized that I had not packed the truck properly and needed to re-organize.  It was hot, the boxes were heavy and I was quickly becoming crabby!  In the end, I called the hubs and asked him to come by with my car for the last load.  I took the easy way out.  When everything was packed and loaded, I bid farewell to my home for the past 3 years :(

I may have added this picture before BUT it is still sad....
So now what?  I had boxes in my car and in my hubs truck.  Should I just let them sit there till I can't handle it anymore?  I was fully planning on it but I also was feeling a bit like a hoarder still.  So the next night, we pulled the cars to the alley and it was my time to go through and purge some more.

Yesterday, it was time to bring my boxes to my new HIGH SCHOOL room!  Here are some pics of my room after 1.5 hours of unpacking.  Nothing on the walls yet but soon!

Looking in from my door.  I have a classroom that is attached to another room through a wall.  I have only ever seen these walls with cork board but as you can see, I have a WHOLE wall of dry erase board!!!!!!!  Also, it is magnetized as well, SCORE!

 This is a view looking in from the door.  A mess, I know but totally workable.  You can barely see them but on the window sill, I have unpacked my gnome collection.  It is official, I work here now!
Last picture that has the most work to be done.  On the far side of the classroom, there is 1 tall cabinet, 1 short cabinet (under the counter), a very long counter and an equally as long shelf.  Above is a giant brown bulletin board.  It is 30" x 20'.  That's a lot of dip!  This is my biggest challenge and something that I may be most proud of when finished!

So I am very excited to move on to this new adventure.  I can't wait to share pictures when I am 'finished' with my classroom.  Reflecting on this process, I think every teacher should 'move' every 3 years to reduce the amount of clutter.  What do you think? 

Thanks for reading!