Saturday, July 25, 2015


It has been just over a month of changes on my end over here.

The first major change I have been preparing for was my wedding.  Jason and I were married on June 20th at the Morton Arboretum in Lisle, IL.  The weather was a bit unreliable but mother nature pulled out a rainbow for us at one point during the ceremony.  It was truly the "Best Day Ever!"

The next change was in my career.  I had interviewed at a pair of schools toward the end of the year but none of the positions were quite right.  I had then received a call to interview at a high school but was unable to because of field trips/last week of school.  Shucks....

Well wouldn't you know that they ran another round of interviews the next week and they wanted me to come in.  I did a first round and the next day did a second with the principal.  Needless to say, I nailed it and was offered the job!  While all this was great, this was the week before my wedding and I was a bit busy at that point.  So, 1 day before my wedding, I was at human resources signing paperwork so for new job!    

Thanks Ryan, I appreciate it1
I will be teaching Algebra 1 and Algebra 2.  Honestly, I am terrified but I am confident I will do fine and after the first day, I will feel so much better.  In the meantime, this means I have to pack up my room and move.  I am a supply/manipulative/pen/book/stuff hoarder.  I was at school for 3 hours accessing the situation.  Final decision: Not good!  A few more hours, more packing tap and boxes should be just what I need to finish. 
The empty hall during summer.  

Good news, I have my own classroom.  Better news, I have an office space too!  The possibilities are endless and places to store things, infinite.   

What I still wonder is how do you make the decision what to keep, what to pitch and what to leave behind?  IT IS SO HARD!

1 comment:

  1. Waaaa... I'm going to miss you! Keep blogging so I can see what you are up to and keep learning from you.

    As for the stuff from your classroom, keep all the pens from me, obviously! ;)
